Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Dancing building,prague,czech republic

  • The Dancing building

The Dancing building was built in 1992-1996 by Frank Gehry (Frank Gehry) the Vladimir Mulunic, dance Mansion is a controversial, locals still not sure. However, the design and construction of the delightful, nicknamed "Fred and Ginger" building imitate the form of a couple of dance, is generally the main object of tourist photography.
Celeste's restaurant and bar, before La Perle Prague, the live dance the top two floors of the building, is a French restaurant that is proud to diners Prague panorama and an extensive wine list. Stop in for a drink or dinner, or just marvel at the building from a distance.

Dancing House (Tančící dum), Vltava River, occupies a prime location. Built between 1992-1996, this stunning building, some in Prague, a rare: a modern glass building, surrounded by historic buildings.
Bold, curved contours house dance, which led to its architects, the Vlado Milunc Frank Gehry, was originally named it "Astaire - Rogers Building, the legendary dance two people.

The dance of the top floor of the house is the only part open to the public, is a city of the first-class restaurant, Wei restaurant.

Wei can expect big to be a real treat. The famous restaurant offers delicious cuisine and rivers and breathtaking views of Prague Castle.

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